The Education and Training Foundation recently visited the College to widen their experience of the Lifelong Learning sector. They were particularly interested in the teaching, learning and assessment initiatives at Wilberforce and our quality assurance processes.

Paul Smith (Head of Quality and Standards at the ETF) said:

‘The visit aligned with ETF’s strategic aims to drive professionalism and improve teaching standards, the team used this opportunity as a professional development (CPD) activity, exemplifying the organisation’s dedication to the FES Professional Standards. These include critically reflecting on and evaluating practices, developing collaborative and respectful relationships with external stakeholders , and sharing and updating knowledge of effective practices with colleagues.’

He continued – ‘Through in-depth discussions with students, staff and leaders, alongside observations of teaching practices, the team gained valuable insights into the unique approaches and challenges of these settings. The visits showcased an impressive range of outstanding practices and the profound impact independent training providers and Sixth Form Colleges have on learners and their communities.’

Wilberforce Sixth Form College place teaching, learning and assessment and the student experience at the heart of everything that we do, we ensure that staff development is central to this. We look forward to developing the partnership further.