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Wilberforce Sixth Form College

Safeguarding Information

Information for Parents and Carers

Safeguarding is a term which is broader than ‘child protection’ and relates to the action taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Wilberforce Sixth Form College and is defined as:

• Protecting children from maltreatment.

• Preventing impairment of mental and physical health and development.

• Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.

• Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. Child Protection is part of safeguarding and refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect children who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.

Please see below a link to the Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) statutory guidance set out by the government.

Keeping Children Safe

Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership

If you are worried about a child or family, contact –

Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH)
Tel: 01482 448879

(This includes concerns about extremism and referrals to PREVENT)

Out of hours Emergency Duty Team:
Tel: 01482 300304

Child in immediate danger:
Tel – 999

Police non-emergency:
Tel – 101

Wilberforce College Child Protection Officers:

Ben Wallis
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)   

Jo Brownlee:
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
College mobile: 07530 187069   

Helen Robinson:
Student Support Officer

Steph Foston:
Student Support Officer

Additional Contacts For Support

Papyrus Hopeline UK 
Prevention of Young Suicide

Tel – 0800 068 4141
Text  – 07786209697
Email –

Opening hours:

10am – 10pm weekdays
2pm-10pm weekends
2pm-10pm bank holidays

You can get in touch about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how large or small the issue feels.

Call free on 116 123

Children’s Social Care
Hull – 01482 448879
East Riding – 01482 395500

CAMHS CRISIS Response Team
Mental Health Support
Tel – 01482 301701 (after 5pm)

Let’s Talk
Depression and anxiety services in Hull
Tel – 01482 247111

ReFresh Hull
A confidential support service for under 19’s in Hull who work with young people and/or families around drugs and alcohol.

Tel – 01482 331059

Targeted Youth Support (TYS) Hull
Homelessness and accessing housing
Tel – 01482 615602

A free confidential service available anytime, day or night.
Tel – 0800 1111

Young Minds Text Line
24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis.
Text YM to 85258

Fixers: Fixers are young people using their past to fix the future. Whether that’s on eating disorders, drugs, offending, cyberbullying or any other issue that is concerning them.

Thinkuknow: Support and advice around internet use and safety.

CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection.  For concerns about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with a young person on-line.

Not in our Community: Not in our community is a campaign designed to help young people protect themselves and friends against grooming and sexual or criminal exploitation.

Andy’s Man Club: Mental health charity for men over the age of 18.

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