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wilberforce sixth form college


A note from our Chair

"The Corporation’s Governors work hard to fulfil Wilberforce College’s mission to raise aspirations and serve the educational needs of our community. We provide the strategic direction for the College, and we consider all aspects of our students’ education – from their achievement to their well-being. We work with the College and its community to enable all our students to fulfil their potential. We are all volunteers and do the job because we care. We are open and honest in conducting our business, and I am proud to be a governor and Chair of the Corporation."

Pat Mould
Chair of the Corporation

Our Governors

At Wilberforce Sixth Form College we have an active board of governors who play an integral role in the continuing development of the College. The Governing body, together with the Principal, constitutes the highest level of decision-making in the College, having overall responsibility for the strategic direction and financial health of the institution.

Our board of Governors is well balanced in terms of skills and experience, with members having backgrounds in industry, education and the local authority. The common characteristic of the governing body is a passionate commitment to service the community within which the College is located. As such, the Governors set high expectations for the College and its students, and are leading the College to realise its ambition of being judged as outstanding by Ofsted.

Our governors have a critical role in:

  • Ensuring the financial well-being of the College and monitoring the effective and efficient use of resources and the quality of its services
  • Assuring that the College’s educational character meets the needs of the community which the College serves
  • Ensuring that the College mission and vision both reflects the needs of the community it serves and informs and directs every aspect of the College’s activities
  • Monitoring the ethos of the College


We welcome enquiries about governance at Wilberforce and are happy to share the minutes and papers of our governors’ meetings with the public. All non-confidential agendas, reports, minutes considered at the meetings of the Corporation, the Register of Interests of Members of the Corporation and the College’s Financial Regulations and Procedures are held by the Clerk and may be inspected by mutual arrangement.

If there are any issues you would like to raise with the Corporation or for more information on the timing of reporting please contact:

Laura Skarratt
Clerk to the Corporation,
Wilberforce College,
Saltshouse Road,
Kingston upon Hull,

Tel: 01482 711688

Chair of the Corporation:
Pat Mould

Academisation consultation document

Academisation consultation feedback/response

Our Governance Strengths

External Review of Governance 2022-2023


  • Wilberforce College has ‘mature overall governance’.
  • There is ‘strong oversight of the financial management of the college’.
  • ‘The Board plays a key role as a sounding board to the Executive’.
  • ‘The relationship between the Board and Executive is characterised by candour and mutual respect’.
  • Governors involvement in the strategic direction of the the college has been ‘pivotal to the aspirational future direction of the college over the long-term, ensuring that students have the best opportunities to be successful’.
  • There is a ‘strong spirit of emotional unity within the boardroom – it embraces changes whilst remaining steadfast in its commitment to the local community’.
  • ‘Governors give clear steer and affirmation of the ethos, values, and purpose of the institution’.

Governor Recruitment

Would you like to use your knowledge, experience and expertise to make a difference?

The Governing Board are now welcoming applications to fill Independent and Parent / Carer Governor vacancies. We are also welcoming applications for Co-Opted Governor membership on our committees.

We are committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion and as such our appointments are based on merit, taking into account skills gaps within our Corporation. You do not need to have governance experience to be a governor, we have governors with backgrounds in Law, Business, Charity, Education and Accountancy and training is provided to all governors throughout their terms of office. Governor roles are not remunerated, and required a full DBS check.

We currently have vacancies within:

Audit Committee

Finance and General Purposes Committee

For more information about current vacancies and how to become a governor please use the links below or contact the Clerk directly.

Independent Governor (3 positions available)
Closing date: 11:59pm on Tuesday 31 December 2024 Actual salary: Voluntary

The Board of Governors are now seeking to appoint to three Independent Governor vacancies on our Governing Board.

We welcome applications from individuals who would like to help shape the strategic management of the college, gain new skills and experience, and use your knowledge and experience to make a difference. Previous experience as a governor is not required as training will be provided to support you in your role.

We are committed to the principles of equality and diversity, as such our appointments are made on merit, taking into account skills gaps and we particularly welcome applications from groups not yet represented on our Governing Board.

We currently have vacancies on our Governing Board, with a focus on recruitment to our Audit Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee.

To apply please complete the Independent Governor Application form and send directly to the Governance Professional (Clerk to the Corporation), or for more information on the role, eligibility or the Board of Governors please contact Laura Skarratt at or telephone 01482 711688

Why Become an Independent College Governor? 

  • You can use your experience and knowledge to make a difference.
  • You will be involved in overseeing College activities.
  • You will help shape the strategic direction of the College and monitor the financial well-being of the College.
  • You will gain new skills and experience and meet new people and network.

What Skills Are Needed?

  • A commitment to improving education for all students.
  • The ability to work in a professional manner as part of a team and take collective responsibility for decisions.
  • The willingness to learn.
  • A commitment to the college’s mission and core values.
  • Basic literacy, numeracy and IT skills (ie. email and word processing). With further training provided to support your role. 
  • You do not need to have governance experience to be a Governor. We have Governors with backgrounds in business, charity, education, government, law, accountancy, IT and audit.


  • Training opportunities are provided for all Governors. 
  • All new Governors are assigned to an experienced mentor to support them through their first term.
  • Terms of office are usually between 2 and 4 years.
  • Meetings are usually held midweek 4:30pm – 6:30pm on site, with some option to attend virtually.
  • All Governors must complete safeguarding checks (DBS), annual eligibility declarations and complete a declaration for the Register of Interest.
  • Youtube Video: Inspiring FE Governance: What is a Governor? 
  • For further information on who is eligible / not eligible to serve as a governor: NCVO Trustee Disqualification 

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Applying for the Independent Governor (3 positions available) role:
download file image Application form
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download file image Independent Governor (3 positions available) information pack
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Wilberforce Sixth Form College has a commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students and expects all staff to share this commitment.  All posts are subject to Enhanced DBS Disclosure. 

The Corporation publishes its Annual Members’ Report and Financial Statements annually and are available on the website for no less than 12 months. For any Annual Members’ Report and Financial Statements not already available on the website, please contact the Clerk.

Please find below downloadable minutes documents for Corporation meetings, covering the following: Corporation, Finance and General Purposes Committee, Audit Committee and Quality and Standards Committee.

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