Accessibility and Inclusion

The campus is conveniently located for all public transport and our facilities cater well for the needs of our students. All information, facilities and resources are available to all students and made accessible where necessary.

The college is fully wheelchair accessible and there are accessible toilet facilities throughout the college. There is a medical room with hand washing facilities, shower, toilet, medical bed, and lockable storage area.

Meeting your needs

Our teaching and support teams work hard to meet the needs of individual learners including:

  • Applying a range of teaching strategies
  • Regular meetings with a Tutor
  • Additional study support – in and out of class and the promotion of independent learning.

Study Programmes

The College offers a wide range of courses for students at Levels 2 and 3, as displayed in the College prospectus and on the website. Applicants undergo initial assessment, to determine which study programme best suits their need, and what, if any, additional support is required.

The Study Support Manager attends Year 11 Annual Reviews/Transition Meetings at partner schools to collect information on prospective students and ensure a smooth transition. The college provides a wide range of support including classroom-based support and intervention in one-to-one and small group settings.

The college works within the examination board guidelines to put into place appropriate Access Arrangements. Individual teachers are responsible for making lessons accessible to all.

Progress Monitoring and Review

The College will work with the local authority as required for review meetings with learners with Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans. EHCPs will be reviewed on an annual basis in line with statutory guidance for reviews.

Progress of other students with SEN support needs is regularly monitored in line with college assessment procedures. Internal tracking systems are used to highlight progress of individuals as well as identified groups. Progress data is shared with parents three times each year, in written format as well as face to face at Consultation evenings.

The Study Support Manager is available to discuss individual students at any point and parents and prospective students are able to visit the college prior to enrolment to view the facilities and discuss support.


The college is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all learners.

All details of the College’s policies on supporting learners and Safeguarding are available on the College website. The college is well served by disabled parking bays very close to one of our entrances. This is also where students using taxis to access the college are dropped off.


Including emotional health and well being

A member of the First Aid team meets with students and/or their parents and draws up a Health Care Action Plan which is held centrally. In the case of a medical emergency, a designated first aider would be summoned to assess the situation, and provide appropriate treatment or care, or if needed, call for external help from the emergency services. The College has a range of policies in place in relation to emotional health and wellbeing, as well as strong links to a range of external services. All students have access to an on-site counsellor and a Student Services Support team. In addition, we have excellent links with a number of external agencies that deal with sheltered housing, drugs and mental health support, etc.


Parents are provided with all the appropriate contact information. We actively welcome communication with parents and carers. Full details on how to contact staff, and which member of staff is the most appropriate contact is given on the website or via Reception.

Staff visit all partner schools during transition and the Study Support Manager regularly attends review meetings for year 11 students who are coming to college to meet parents and assess what arrangements we need to put in place to best meet the students’ needs.

All year 10 students in our partner schools are invited to a Taster Day at the end of the summer term before year 11, to sample College life.

Assessment is reported to parents at regular intervals throughout the college year. Tutors, teachers and Student Services staff monitor attendance and liaise with parents to discuss attendance and progress.

Working Together

A range of opportunities exist whereby the College works with young people and families, such as the Student Union and Tutors.

The College works with a wide range of external agencies on a variety of topics and in a number of areas. The college has an active student ambassador programme which meets on a weekly basis.

Parents are encouraged to complete feedback information sheets and questionnaires after visits to college and parent’s evenings. Students with additional needs and their parents/carers are able to make their views known in the feedback section of the Annual Reviews.

What Help and Support is Available for the Family?

The College Student Services function provides a range of activities to support families such as working with external agencies to help offer solutions. Impartial careers advice and guidance is delivered to students. A wide range of external agencies and Universities are invited into college to assist in this delivery. Students are given support in completing applications and especially in the completion of UCAS forms. There is financial support for those students who are eligible and subsidised travel is also available.

Transition To and From College

Close links exist with schools to support the transition of young people with LDD. A range of activities are put in place to support the transition from school and in progressing from College. A very successful Smart start event is held every July and invitations are sent to students who our feeder schools believe would benefit from this support for transition.

The college has a Liaison Team who attend all parents evenings, careers evenings and other appropriate school events. All year 10 students in our feeder schools are offered a Taster Day at the end of the summer term before year 11 to sample college life. When aware that a student with additional needs is joining the college every effort is made for the Study Support Manager to attend year 11 review meetings, meet parents and smooth the transition process for the student.


A range of extra-curricular activities are offered to all students, with support provided where necessary. There is a range of enrichment activities available to all students, including, sport, music, drama, dance etc. Gifted and talented students visit Oxbridge colleges each year and a number of students have attended summer schools at Oxbridge.

Additional Learning Support Policy

Policy for students with additional needs.

Wilberforce College is committed to provide support for students with additional needs. This commitment results from a desire to meet the needs of the community which the college serves.

The definition of a student with additional needs includes any student who requires extra support to achieve his or her potential, for example, students with learning difficulties, physically disabled students, students with emotional difficulties and also gifted students.

The college will endeavour to respond to the needs of any individual for whom our curriculum offer is appropriate.

In order to meet this commitment to students with additional needs the Study Support Department and the College will:-

  • Liaise with partner schools to ensure effective links with Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators and other appropriate parties.
  • Provide access to the college curriculum offer for prospective students by means of school visits, open evenings and individual visits.
  • Undertake to facilitate the transfer of student information and Education Health Care Plans where relevant, from partner schools and other institutions.
  • Ensure that relevant additional needs students meet support staff and agree a programme of individual support before enrolment to aid smooth transition to college.
  • Provide individual and specialist counselling at enrolment as appropriate.
  • Provide additional information to staff about those students with a specific need.
  • Ensure full involvement in the college induction programme.
  • Facilitate integration into the academic, social, enrichment and recreational programmes of the college.
  • Regularly assess progress and set appropriate targets.
  • Ensure that qualifying students receive special examination considerations.
  • Provide a resource bank of suitable learning materials and appropriate equipment.
  • Make reasonable adjustments to the College environment to facilitate full involvement in the College’s programmes.
  • Provide a supportive pastoral framework with individual support for personal and social needs.
  • Provide experienced and qualified support staff.
  • Annually review provision with staff, students, tutors, parents and relevant parties. Report outcomes and make appropriate changes.
  • Liaise with external agencies including Connexions, Social Services, Dyslexia Sparks, Educational Psychologists, Hearing and Visually Impaired Services/IPASS to plan for further progress both within and beyond college.
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