Incredible progress
Since November 2021, Wilberforce Sixth Form College have partnered with DFN Project SEARCH Hull, to aid young adults aged 16 – 24 years old with learning disabilities and/or autism, to gain employability and life skills through hands on work. Recently Project SEARCH created a new partnership with the Mount Pleasant Asda store in Hull, with the first group of seven interns starting in-store from September 2024.
On Friday 10 January the current interns at Asda, Mount Pleasant welcomed local MP, Karl Turner to discuss their experience of the programme so far and how far they have progressed in their first four months.
Mr Turner, who is the local MP for East Hull, said “I think it’s incredibly important to encourage internships in the local area, especially for people with additional educational needs. This initiative clearly shows the work that’s been done to encourage those internships with an eventual opportunity to becoming employed.”
During his visit, Karl took a tour of the shop floor where he got to speak with many of interns whilst they were working within their relevant departments, including Connor who expressed that his internship highlight so far has been getting to know all the staff and work as part of a team. Overcoming challenges is a key focus of the internship and Connor explained that productivity pace and feeling overwhelmed were goals that he wanted to work on, but so far he has “loved every minute and I can’t wait to explore [his] opportunities.”

All of the interns are supported by a dedicated Job Coach and Facilitator who are in-store with them during their working day, not only on the shop floor but also to conduct the theory and educational part of the programme. Joanne, Wilberforce Project SEARCH Facilitator teaches units such as work-place health and safety, self-advocacy, social communications and IT skills which provides the interns with the underpinning knowledge needed to prepare them for the work place.
Jacqueline Melia, General Store Manager, at Asda Mount Pleasant has really embraced the interns and been actively involved in the project.
She said when reflecting on the programme: “It’s my first time working with Project SEARCH and the biggest thing I’m taking away is the culture that my team have brought to them, and they have treated them just like colleagues every day.”
When asked how Asda and Project SEARCH have aided this transition from a learning environment to work, Jacqueline said: “They all work on rotations, giving them key insights to what works and doesn’t work for them. Everyone is different and everyone works well on a different department, us doing that makes them feel at ease. Our colleagues have taken it upon themselves to take them under their wing, some of which really miss the interns when they are not here, so that shows the relationship they have built together.”
Wilberforce Project SEARCH Facilitator Joanne Beal said “I feel very positive about the progress of the partnership. I would like to thank everyone at Asda for embracing the programme and mentoring the interns. It is amazing to see the interns grow in confidence and demonstrate the transferable skills they have mastered in a short period of time.”

The next recruitment process for Project SEARCH Hull will take place in March. There will be an opportunity to find out more about the internship programme and meet the Facilitators on Thursday 23 January at Wilberforce Sixth Form College during the Open Event 4:30-7:00pm.
For more information on Project SEARCH please click here.