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Fine Art

  • A Level
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The instinct to make art has been with us since man made the first cave paintings, and the need to respond to the world around us through the creative process remains just as strong today.

Studying A Level Fine Art allows you to develop skills as a creative individual responding to and interacting with the important things that shape our world.

This course will also provide you with the skills to reinvent yourself as a creative and very employable individual in a continually and rapidly changing world. If you enjoy painting, drawing and generally being creative with your ideas you will find new opportunities to develop your skills and ideas around themes chosen by you. 

What will you learn?

You will produce a set of work that builds into a “personal investigation” of a theme that is worth 60% of your final grade. For your final project, you will answer one question from a series of questions based on a theme set by the exam board. This externally set assignment is 40% of the grade. You will present your work through Instagram, with an account set up specifically for your work.

Who is the course aimed at?

The course is for you if you are considering an art-related degree or career, if you want to broaden your knowledge of art and artists, enjoy seeing new approaches in art and questioning why things are the way they are.

Entry Requirements & Other Info
  • Entry Requirements Arrow down

    You must have a minimum of five GCSEs at grades 9-4, including English Language, Maths.

    It is preferable that you have a minimum of a grade 4 at GCSE or Level 2 Merit in an art-based subject. If you don’t, you will need to bring a portfolio of work to your interview which we will review.

  • Experiences Arrow down

    This course will provide you with the opportunity to go on many trips to art galleries and exhibtions to enrich your learning. As well as this, you will be given the chance to exhibit your work outside of the classroom, in college shows and galleries but also in local and national events. We have had many students who have had their work shortlisted for a number of national awards, as well as one winning the student prize at the Ferens Open. Our Art Department is also heavily involved with our Upskilling Programme, so you will be able to develop your skills outside of lesson time with a range of workshops and activities.

  • Progression Arrow down

    A Level Fine Art is the perfect subject to lead onto a creative or art-based degree at university, such as Fine Art or Graphic Design. However, because this is a Level 3 qualification, it means that you can also explore opportunities like higher-level apprenticeships.

  • Outcomes Arrow down

    Students who complete a qualification in Art go on to a wide variety of jobs. These can include: Artist, Interior Designer, Illustrator, Gallery Curator or Teacher, to name a few.

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Some courses are currently being reviewed by the Department for Education as part of potential reforms to post-16 vocational qualifications.

Course content and methods of assessment may be subject to change.

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