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Media Studies

  • A Level
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Media Studies graduates find employment in many fields. Past students have gone on to work in PR, journalism, working for the BBC and Sky, or teaching within the field.

An A Level in Media Studies will give you a deeper insight into how the media works in the UK and around the world. You will understand the processes involved in exchanging information, and how the entertainment industry is structured. This includes the film, music, video games, print (newspapers and magazines) industries and new media (e-media). Media courses in Higher Education are growing in popularity and this whole area of study is expanding rapidly.

The course will not be enough on its own to get you a job in Hollywood, at the BBC or the Times – but it will give you an insight into any media career and will show potential employers the depth and seriousness of your interest. The A Level will give you practical skills in media production and enable you to get more from your consumption of the media.

What will you learn?

Year One:

• Term 1: Media Framework – the key concepts (Media Studies Framework) through which the rest of the course (both exams and the coursework elements) will be taught: Language/Representation/Industries/Audiences/Context.

• Term 2: Component 1 (Exam) – 35% of the overall qualification. This exam (not to be completed until year 2) allows you to study a breadth of media forms and products. It includes investigating the media framework of media language, representation (Section A), industries and audiences (Section B). It integrates the teaching of a series of set media texts alongside a variety of other texts to compliment them. The media focus areas for Component 1 are: Advertising & Marketing/Music Videos/Newspapers/Film (Marketing only)/Radio/Video Games.

• Term 3: Component 3 (Start) – The final term will be dedicated purely to the early planning stages of your cross-platform coursework. You will produce two pieces of creative work sharing a common theme – these will be Radio, Film, Magazine/Newspaper, or Website based although the theme will depend on the briefs released each year.

Year Two:

• Term 1: Component 3 (Finish) – 30% of the overall qualification. You will need to complete both of your two chosen platforms (meeting the requirements of your selected brief) by the end of this period. Teachers will work with you to maximise your best possible grade, to stand you in better stead approaching your two exams (Component 1 & 2) at the end of this second year.

• Term 2: Component 2 (Exam) – 35% of the overall qualification. Investigating specific contrasting Media Forms and Products within the fields of TV Shows, Magazines and websites/online blogs. The media focus and set media texts for Component 2 are: TV Crime Drama/Magazines/ Websites and Blogs.

• Term 3: Component 1 and Component 2 Exam Revision – Revision for both exams, recapping on last year’s study of Component 1 coupled with last terms work on Component 2. Complete with workbooks, activities, exemplars and revision grids to prepare for the final phase of the course. Exams to be taken May – June.

Who is the course aimed at?

This course is for you if you want to learn about the theory behind how media products are created and how it is used to evoke particular responses from the audience. The course allows you to learn practical skills to create your own media products such as magazine articles or your own website. It is particularly useful if you are contemplating a career in PR or journalism, to name but a few examples.

Entry Requirements & Other Info
  • Entry Requirements Arrow down

    You must have a minimum of five GCSEs 9-4, including English Language and Maths. 

  • Experiences Arrow down

    This course will provide you with the opportunity to explore Media from many different angles. You will get the opportunity to take part in many different talks and workshops from leading companies in the area, including Nova and Hull City Council. Within college, you will be able to use your newly-developed skills to create branding and imagery for College events, as well as showcase your work in our Creative Arts Festival.

  • Progression Arrow down

    Media Studies lends itself well to subjects like Media, Graphic Design and Broadcasting at degree level. There are also opportunities to explore an apprenticeship, particularly in areas like broadcasting, but many employers require a specialist degree for a job in the industry.

  • Outcomes Arrow down

    Students who complete a qualification in Media Studies go on to a wide variety of jobs. These can include: Digital Marketer, Social Media Manager, Editorial Assistant, Journalist, Web Content Manager, Producer or Teacher, to name a few.

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Some courses are currently being reviewed by the Department for Education as part of potential reforms to post-16 vocational qualifications.

Course content and methods of assessment may be subject to change.

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